23.9.13-29.9.13: Long Road Hills...
Mon - in Lund. run up to Skt Hans, including an extra loop through Gunnesbo under the railway line and back via CIP
Tue - standard route through Klostergården and up past the F&F Arena. Very tired legs after racing at the weekend (tiredness never comes immediately - can still do a lot the day after, but not 2 days after!)
Wed - new workout:: cycled out to Sodra Sandby, 4km warmup, then 5x560m up the hill Almbacksvägen (1.50-1.53 up, recovery jog down appx. 2min). After 2x3km along the Hardebergaspåret from SS, then cycle back to Lund. A good hard workout! This is the only substantial hill around which is cleared of snow and streetlit in the winter, so this should hopefully become a regular thing.
Thurs - urgh, pain in my left ankle! perhaps pushed a bit too hard the day before. Did a 5km warmup to Lunds CIP; decided it would be unwise to do intervals with the ankle hurting, so ran 5km of easy laps and drills, followed by a 5km run back home. Ankle got steadily better throughout the session. Frustrating!
Fri - 20km along the Hardebergaspåret. Decided to take it easy at the start and see how the ankle felt, and turn back if it was too bad. Thankfully, there wasn't too much pain - just very very heavy legs!
Sat - in Århus. Run to Hasle Bakker (6.5km) fairly quickly. I was still late for parkrun by around 3min, so it was 'pursuit-mode'; with 20km on the clock the day before plus a quick 6.5-7km there it wasn't a fast pursuit though! Ran 17.55 for the 5km (and caught Katrine, despite the head start :-p). Afterwards, ran back 7km home via Skejby Føtex.
Sun - tired tired legs! Decided to split the Sunday run into AM\PM sessions. AM: 17km loop of Egå Engsø, along Lystrupvej, Nordre Strandalle and then a loop of Riis skov, finishing uphill onto Grenåvej. PM: 13km - one lap of the Engsø, then back towards Lisbjerg-Terp, up past the golf course and back through Molleup skov = 30km total.
Summary - still having problems with my ankles. It seems there's a limit to level of intensity in training, that if I work too hard - particularly up hills - then I get a lot of pain the following days. Unfortunately, it seems that hills and strengthening are the only way to get it better in the long term, so it's just a case of gauging when enough is enough.
Next week - try some more hilly runs, but at a bit lower intensity - poss up at Skt Hans or Skrylle this week. Fri-Sun is the Århus 1900 M/L weekend in Nymindegab on the west coast of Jylland, which should be good training.
Date\Day | km | Time | min/km |
29/09/2013su | 16.86 | 01:06:00 | 03:54 |
29/09/2013su | 12.9 | 00:56:00 | 04:20 |
28/09/2013sa | 18 | 01:08:50 | 03:49 |
27/09/2013fr | 20 | 01:30:00 | 04:30 |
26/09/2013th | 15 | 01:00:00 | 03:59 |
25/09/2013we | 6.08 | 00:24:00 | 03:56 |
25/09/2013we | 0.56 | 00:01:57 | 03:28 |
25/09/2013we | 2.24 | 00:07:48 | 03:28 |
25/09/2013we | 3.98 | 00:17:00 | 04:16 |
24/09/2013tu | 8.74 | 00:34:00 | 03:53 |
23/09/2013mo | 15.22 | 01:05:00 | 04:16 |
total= | 120 | av pace= | 03:59 |
Mon - in Lund. run up to Skt Hans, including an extra loop through Gunnesbo under the railway line and back via CIP
Tue - standard route through Klostergården and up past the F&F Arena. Very tired legs after racing at the weekend (tiredness never comes immediately - can still do a lot the day after, but not 2 days after!)
Wed - new workout:: cycled out to Sodra Sandby, 4km warmup, then 5x560m up the hill Almbacksvägen (1.50-1.53 up, recovery jog down appx. 2min). After 2x3km along the Hardebergaspåret from SS, then cycle back to Lund. A good hard workout! This is the only substantial hill around which is cleared of snow and streetlit in the winter, so this should hopefully become a regular thing.
Thurs - urgh, pain in my left ankle! perhaps pushed a bit too hard the day before. Did a 5km warmup to Lunds CIP; decided it would be unwise to do intervals with the ankle hurting, so ran 5km of easy laps and drills, followed by a 5km run back home. Ankle got steadily better throughout the session. Frustrating!
Fri - 20km along the Hardebergaspåret. Decided to take it easy at the start and see how the ankle felt, and turn back if it was too bad. Thankfully, there wasn't too much pain - just very very heavy legs!
Sat - in Århus. Run to Hasle Bakker (6.5km) fairly quickly. I was still late for parkrun by around 3min, so it was 'pursuit-mode'; with 20km on the clock the day before plus a quick 6.5-7km there it wasn't a fast pursuit though! Ran 17.55 for the 5km (and caught Katrine, despite the head start :-p). Afterwards, ran back 7km home via Skejby Føtex.
Sun - tired tired legs! Decided to split the Sunday run into AM\PM sessions. AM: 17km loop of Egå Engsø, along Lystrupvej, Nordre Strandalle and then a loop of Riis skov, finishing uphill onto Grenåvej. PM: 13km - one lap of the Engsø, then back towards Lisbjerg-Terp, up past the golf course and back through Molleup skov = 30km total.
Summary - still having problems with my ankles. It seems there's a limit to level of intensity in training, that if I work too hard - particularly up hills - then I get a lot of pain the following days. Unfortunately, it seems that hills and strengthening are the only way to get it better in the long term, so it's just a case of gauging when enough is enough.
Next week - try some more hilly runs, but at a bit lower intensity - poss up at Skt Hans or Skrylle this week. Fri-Sun is the Århus 1900 M/L weekend in Nymindegab on the west coast of Jylland, which should be good training.