mandag den 28. oktober 2013

21.10.13 - 27.10.13: DAF Vinterturnering and Cross Challenge

date\day km time min/km
27/10/2013su 15.1 00:57:00 03:46
26/10/2013sa 8.5 00:33:00 03:52
23/10/2013we 8.7 00:36:00 04:08
22/10/2013tu 8.7 00:35:00 04:01
22/10/2013tu 8.7 00:37:00 04:15
21/10/2013mo 10 00:40:00 04:00
total= 59.7 av pace= 04:00

Mon - very easy recovery run round Lunds stadsparken and a bit of Klostergården. Heavy, tight legs - run helped a bit to loosen off.
Tue - AM&PM easy recovery, standard 8-9k route down Malmövägen, along the river and back past the F&F arena.
Weds - AM as Tues. Very tired legs still.
Thurs - no run, complete rest.
Fri - no run, complete rest.
Sat - DAF Vinterturnering\Cross Challenge 1: Hindsgavl Slot, Middelfart (8.7km, 33.30)
My first cross race since VT2  in Odense back in Nov 2012 where I managed to completely wreck my ankle and put myself out of action most of the winter. My expectations for this were pretty much zero other than to get back into XC running, to push on a bit with regards to getting past my ankle problems and building fitness - especially only 6 days after running the half in Vejle. Race was at Hindsgavl Slot in Middelfart which is actually a quite a nice peninsular jutting out into the Lillebælt, especially this time of year with the trees just starting to lose their leaves. Took the train there from Lund on Sat morning, meaning an early 6am start and 3h trip. I'd expected a fairly easy grass or forest course as in prev year's VT rounds, but instead it was a nightmare: 1/4 of the lap was on hard, spike-wrecking path and there were several extremely sharp ascents/descents; the course was also a good ~km longer than the 8k advertised :-(!

Started off fairly well, inside the top 20 for the first couple of laps, but I was really running with the brakes on up and down the hills, for fear of injury - I lost 2-3 places on every hill. Tiredness really hit on the 3rd lap. Body in Middelfart, legs still running the half in Vejle,  I started going backwards to finish down in about 50th in the sort of time I should really manage 10km in. Felt extremely positive though, since I got round the whole distance without any particular pain in my ankle, a real improvement from the last couple of months where any such training or racing on hilly ground has resulted in ankle pain and often 2-3 days of rest. Really good sign that I can now consider pushing a bit harder with off-road training. Some top performances as well by the other 1900 runners; 3rd indiv. place and 1st team for the girls and 1st vet. for guys.

Sun- Himmelbjergløbet (15.1km, 57.30, 2nd place) 
My favourite race of the year that I'd never miss, horribly tired after 1/2 and VT or not! Conventional wisdom suggests doing two races in as many days with little recovery  is not exactly good practice, but I think the exception to that is when you really need a motivational kick and are stuck in a bit of a training rut. Racing Sat also gave me a crucial lesson; that I could push it a little bit harder on the climbs and descents than I'd otherwise thought without risking injury. I also find sometimes that if I run the day before, I'm somehow more up for the second race - this is always clearest on the Isle of Man at Easter, where I always perform better at the hill race the day after a hard 10k on the road (or the 5k the day after that!).

A slightly later 8.15am start by bus from Skejby to Århus H, then to Ry and to the Himmelbjerg on the bike along with Katrine. The nice autumnal weather on Sat had given way to horrible autumnal weather on Sun, 12C with light rain beginning on the way to the race, but still better than last year, when it was <0C and frost. By the time we got to the top of the 'bjerg', I was really feeling tired and my stomach was churning over; not enough time to digest recovery food = major trots, which thankfully cleared up a bit before the start. Usually the view from the top is nice, but this time it was thick cloud and strong wind - most runners were huddled in the trees, which offered little to no protection from the elements.

I started as usual on this race, slowly on the descent down the Himmelbjerg. No sense in tripping or slipping here and the next 3-4km are pretty much all uphill, so you gain little through a fast first km. Some people always start far too quickly and are swiftly punished for it. I'd hoped I'd have no competition, but Nick Fridberg from Sparta in Kbh was also running: we'd run together for much of the first 12km of the Malmo 1/2 back in Aug and I remember him having won the nearby 12k Midjysk Bjergløb back in June where I'd won the shorter 6k. I gave it a good go for the first 8km, keeping within 20-25s, but I soon realised I'd never close the gap - as in previous years, those doing this race with fresh legs having missed the VT have a significant advantage! I had no real threat from behind, so I settled into a good stable pace from there. Conditions were difficult after 2-3 days of rain beforehand, with deep mud in places; I jumped one puddle, to promptly land ankle-deep in mud at one point.
I really felt the tiredness at around 11km after the HC Andersen bank climb and dropped off a bit between 11-13k, running through 12k at around 41min. (To diverge briefly, I somewhat regret not doing the Yddingeloppet out near Svedala on 20/10, Skåne's less hilly 12k equivalent of this race, where 40-41 would've been enough to win this year...unfortunately, this clashed with the half in Vejle). At around 13k I heard footsteps behind me - I thought I'd gone too easy and been caught! Fortunately, a quick 'Er du ti eller femten?!' at the bottom of the Himmelbjerg ascertained that this was a10k guy, who I swiftly waved through rather than mistakenly chase up the hill.

I heard a very apt comment from one of the spectators as I ran past up the Himmelbjerg: 'Han løb den halve sidste uge! Han må være træt!' - definitely so!
The rain which had largely held off for the race really came down just after I'd finished and I was soaked through by the time prizes came around; new pair of Innov-8 trail shoes :-)

Summary - excellent weekend of running. Ankle came through 2 hard races well; I'd hope for a far better placing in later cross races with proper rest. Now I can hopefully try and push a bit more with training. Start of w.c. 28/10 will be rest, followed by building up into regular training again after this period of racing. I shall decide my plan with the Nytårscup in Århus as well. I want to do it this year to build endurance for 1/2 or full marathon distance, so I must decide whether to run it hard then do an extra 15-20k slower afterwards or to sandwich it as a 10k tempo part of a longer run...

mandag den 21. oktober 2013

7.10.13 - 20.10.13: Vejle Ådal ½-maraton buildup

date/day km time min/km
13/10/2013su 26 01:53:00 04:20
13/10/2013su 8.67 00:35:00 04:02
12/10/2013sa 3.65 00:14:00 03:50
12/10/2013sa 0.22 00:00:53 04:04
12/10/2013sa 0.88 00:03:32 04:00
12/10/2013sa 1 00:03:30 03:30
12/10/2013sa 7.95 00:33:00 04:09
12/10/2013sa 8.92 00:34:00 03:48
12/10/2013sa 1.71 00:00:00 00:00
11/10/2013fr 8.89 00:37:00 04:09
10/10/2013th 15.16 01:04:00 04:13
09/10/2013we 8.58 00:34:00 03:57
09/10/2013we 4.39 00:18:30 04:12
09/10/2013we 4 00:13:20 03:20
09/10/2013we 1.9 00:07:00 03:41
07/10/2013mo 13.83 00:58:00 04:11
total= 115.75 av pace= 03:42

7/10 Mon PM - loop up to Skt Hans and back. Took a few runs up the big hill.
8/10 Tues - no run. Rest day.
9/10 Weds AM - pre-work track session. 5km warmup, then 4x1km on the track at CIP, 3.20/km pace, jog back down the quicker way via Svanegatan and through the park. PM - late 10pm run along the Hardebergaspåret after a conference day, very tired and quite hungry - conf food is not enough!
10/10 Thurs PM - run along the Hardebergaspåret to just past the road crossing 3km from SS (appx 15km). Very tired again after another conference day at work, also felt slightly sick (too much coffee!) and had to pause briefly about half way.
11/10 Fri AM - standard 8.7km Klostergården route.
12/10 Sat AM - hill training at Skt Hans. 3.65km warmup run there, then 5xlong hill (300m/50s), 5xsteep hill with jog down recovery. 9km back via a loop up into Gunnesbo and back into town. Very good workout on grass, good cross prep. PM - 8km along the Hardebergaspåret; tired legs after the earlier session!
13/10 Sun AM - run up to Skrylle via the hilly route through Hardeberga village and past Rögle dammar; approximately 13km on a mix of road and trail. Returned via the bike path to Sodra Sandby and then the Hardebergaspåret back to Lund. Not great weather - started off with light rain and got steadily worse as I went along. Felt tired after the hard hill session the day before, but still kept a decent 4.20/km pace.

date/day km time min/km
20/10/2013su 21.1 01:16:00 03:36
17/10/2013th 8.67 00:34:00 03:55
17/10/2013th 8.2 00:32:00 03:54
16/10/2013we 10 00:40:00 04:00
15/10/2013tu 10 00:40:00 04:00
14/10/2013mo 8.67 00:35:00 04:02
total= 66.64 av pace= 03:54

14/10 Mon - begin tapering. Standard Klostergården 8.7km route. Relaxed pace.
15/10 Tues - standard Klostergården 10km route past the sewage works. Relaxed pace.
16/10 Weds - as Tues.
17/10 Thurs AM - as Mon, PM - 8k along the Hardebergaspåret, progressive tempo ending at 3.20/km.
18/10 Fri - no run, rest
19/10 Sat - no run, rest
20/10 Sun - Vejle Ådal ½-maraton: 1:16:48 (9th place)

My final shot at the 1/2 marathon for 2013 in Vejle. It was a 1900 tilskudsløb, so went down on the club bus from Århus getting there about 40min before the start. Despite the days of rest beforehand, my legs felt quite tired and stiff - did an extensive warmup involving 1-2km of easy jogging and some 100m sprints plus stretches to try and get myself going. Little bit of pain from my left ankle while warming up, but not too bad (though I stupidly forgot to put my ankle support on). Felt fairly good on the first 10km and sat at around 3.25-3.30/km pace in 5th along with Lars Vels from Viborg AM. The route itself was excellent, as was the weather despite forecasts of heavy rain, running  mostly on fairly flat bike path with the only slight hills coming at 9-9.5km and just before the turn at 11-11.5km. Ran well up to around 13km when I started feeling quite tired and dropped in pace, allowing one of the chasing pack to overtake; I was still able to get to 16km on just over 56min, fastest I've managed for some time! Unfortunately, the final 5km was a horrible struggle - I really ran out of gas and started getting stomach cramps after drinking at the final water station. I was forced to stop twice just before 19 and 20km for 10-15s just to try and fight through it, allowing a couple more runners to overtake. I've no idea what time I managed for the last 2km, but it wasn't good! Still pleased to complete the full distance in a reasonable time - I could probably have run the alternative 5/10k in good times, but I really feel as if I should push it a bit more now.
Some success anyway when Katrine managed 2nd place on the 5km route, despite planning 'not to run hard' :-p

Summary - 75,79,77min for the 3 late summer\autumn 1/2s; not fantastic times, but considerably better than this time last year when I was struggling to run at all! For the first time in many years, it's endurance that is letting me down; I find I just don't have enough left to keep it going much beyond 12-14km. This is likely a product of spending May 2012-Aug 2013 running largely nothing more than 5k or the occasional 10k while injured or recovering from injury.
But I feel I'm stuck in a bit of a rut with running at the mo - not fast enough to be competitive on the shorter distances and without the endurance to do it at the 1/2 or full marathon. This is partly out of reluctance to do lots of high intensity training (due to the ankles) and partly due to lack of training motivation, esp. not having fast people to train with consistently. Very frustrating!

Focus will now shift to cross and trail with the Sat/Sun double of DAF VT1 in Middelfart and Himmelbjergløbet next week, with the Nytårscup 10km and other VT rounds in the weeks after. Hopefully doing some different races (esp the VT rounds vs really top runners) should give me the kick up the arse I need. I'll also start to rethink how\where\with who I'm training...

tirsdag den 8. oktober 2013

30.9 - 6.10.13: Illness and 1900 Training Weekend

km Time min/km
06/10/2013su 20 01:18:00 03:54
05/10/2013sa 8 00:30:00 03:44
05/10/2013sa 5.62 00:00:00 00:00
05/10/2013sa 7.72 00:00:00 00:00
05/10/2013sa 0.97 00:00:00 00:00
04/10/2013fr 10.76 00:40:00 03:43
04/10/2013fr 8.67 00:35:00 04:02
03/10/2013th 8.67 00:00:00 00:00
02/10/2013we 8.67 00:00:00 00:00
Total= 79.08

Mon - no run, bad cold.
Tues - no run, bad cold.
Weds -still had cold. PM: very gentle run Malmovagen-Klostergården-Arena-Stadsparken route in Lund. Mistake, not ready for it yet...
Thurs - PM: same as Weds, but feeling a bit better.
Fri - AM:  same route as Thur, feeling much better.

Fri - Sun: Århus 1900 Training weekend in Nymindegab, Vestjylland

Fri PM- run from hostel out along the old railway line (or bike path next to it) from Nørre Nebel to the coast. Started off at a fairly gentle pace around 4.00/km, but ended at about 3.20-3.30/km pace. Covered some of the dunes and a run on the beach, but very windy! Felt quite tired having left Sweden at 10am and only got there at 5.30pm, plus having walked 5km from Nørre Nebel along to the hostel. 
Sat AM - 4min (1min pause) cross intervals in the forest near the hostel. This was on fairly rough terrain, mainly of deep sand in places - not good for the ankle, which hurt on the warmup lap! Managed 3x4min at a far slower pace than the other faster guys before deciding not to push it any further. Moved to the tarmac bike path and road instead and completed 3x4min on there, which was much easier on the ankle tendons.
Sat PM - recovery run in the forest. Did a lot of warmdown stretches and exercises after the morning session, which greatly helped. Felt little ankle pain during this run, although conducted at a more relaxed 3.40-4.00/km pace.
Sun AM - 20km long run. Started off with around 8km in the woods with everyone together at around 3.50-4.00/km pace, which was tricky but manageable on the same sort of terrain as Sat. There was then an unexpected tempo session of several km led by some of the fastest (shorter distance focused) guys in the club, going up to 3.00-3.15/km pace; I decided this was too much for a Sun run, and dropped 20m off them for a bit! A group of 6 of us then completed another 10km out along the same route as Fri PM at a fairly quick 3.30-3.40/km pace. A very good workout!