søndag den 24. november 2013

18.11.13-24.11.13: To Nytårscup II

date km time min/km
24/11/2013 16.14 01:04:00 03:57
24/11/2013 10 00:35:12 03:31
23/11/2013 6.47 00:25:00 03:51
23/11/2013 7.85 00:33:00 04:12
23/11/2013 5 00:16:58 03:23
22/11/2013 10 00:43:00 04:18
21/11/2013 16 01:04:54 04:03
20/11/2013 3.41 00:15:00 04:23
20/11/2013 5.15 00:18:00 03:29
20/11/2013 2.18 00:00:00 00:00
20/11/2013 1.23 00:05:00 04:04
20/11/2013 8.7 00:38:00 04:22
18/11/2013 20 01:30:00 04:30
total= 112.13 av pace= 04:00

Mon 18/11 - PM: 20km run along the Hardebergaspåret from Lund to Sodra Sandby.On a summer evening, this is a nice and pleasant run but in the winter, it's very hard going in the dark, wind, rain and cold! Very slow pace in the end, primarily due to having the wind against me on the way back to Lund.
Tues 19/11 - rest day, Sweden vs Portugal football qualifier on tv.
Weds 20/11 - AM: hills at Skt Hans. Standard training 5xlong, 5xsteep with appx. 3.5km warmup and 5k return back home. PM: standard 8-9k route in Lund along the river and back up via Lunds CIP.
Thurs 21/11 - PM: track intervals at Lunds CIP. 5x1km at appx. 3.30/km pace, with usual appx. 5k warmup and return from home. Ankles really were not happy - not sure if this was due to Weds hills or that it was a very cold evening just above freezing; they felt better after 2x1km but still not great, so I didn't push so hard.
Fri 22/11 - AM: 10k, usual route past the Källby ponds and sewage works. Took it at a bit of an easier pace; ankles better but still not great (and legs tired...)
Sat 23/11 - AM: usual Sat morning training in Århus - run to Hasle bakker, Brabrand parkrun, run back to Skejby. Still a dull pain in my left ankle, but felt quite up for it. Ran 16.58 for the hilly 5k, which is my best ever time after having run there first. This was probably not ideal preparation for the Nytårscup on Sun, but my 'building-for-spring-1/2' goal is more long term and in that respect it was ideal.
Image: http://spotted.stiften.dk/

Sun 24/11 - AM: Nordea Nytårscup 10k, 35:12, 1st. Same endurance training drill as last time: 10k Nytårscup as effectively a hard tempo running session, followed by about an hour in running in the woods down the coast. The route this time was an improvement over the last round, a 5k lap so that you didn't crash into the back of slower runners. This was at the expense of making the route very hilly and probably why (along with the DM cross) a number of the usual faster suspects for the 10k either didn't run or took the 5k instead! Decided to race with the 5k guys due to lack of competition on the 10k, so managed a fairly quick first lap. I really paid for this on the second round, especially up the long hill of Carl Nielsens vej, where the parkrun the day before also caught up with me. I had some difficulty running on the softer ground in the woods and esp. downhill, which produced a bit of ankle pain; a reminder that I still have to be very careful at the DM cross next weekend.
Last time I hung around a bit too long and got quite stiff legs, so I took the after-race session as soon as I'd finished. Ran all the way down to Moesgård strand this time and back at 4min/km pace, which I was quite pleased with although it was very hard training...

Summary - again less distance, but 4 higher intensity sessions this week which I think is definitely the right way to go at the mo. Major issue has been the ankles, esp. the injured left one, which have given a bit of pain this week. This seems to have been coincident with it getting cold = either reduced blood flow or more tightness = more tendonitis problems. Next week will the the DM 10k cross in Viborg so I'll rest ahead of that, but my expectations for it are low. If the course is as it was in Middelfart (i.e. - lots of sharp, steep hills) I'll not risk getting injured by hammering it.

tirsdag den 19. november 2013

11.11.13-17.11.13: Training and Spectating in Roskilde

date km time min/km
17/11/2013 1.38 00:05:12 03:46
17/11/2013 2.43 00:06:00 02:28
17/11/2013 5.28 00:20:30 03:52
17/11/2013 3.45 00:15:00 04:20
17/11/2013 11.58 00:41:00 03:32
16/11/2013 15.7 01:10:00 04:27
15/11/2013 8.93 00:38:00 04:15
15/11/2013 6.75 00:27:00 04:00
14/11/2013 4.38 00:18:00 04:06
14/11/2013 4.39 00:17:30 03:59
14/11/2013 5 00:16:40 03:19
13/11/2013 3.3 00:15:00 04:33
13/11/2013 4.9 00:19:00 03:52
13/11/2013 2.5 00:10:30 04:11
13/11/2013 2.18 00:00:00 00:00
12/11/2013 15.31 01:01:00 03:59
11/11/2013 15.32 01:06:00 04:18
total= 112.78 av pace= 03:42

Mon 11/11 - PM: easy 15-16km along the Hardebergaspåret. This was a pleasant Monday run in the summer, but now it's dark, cold, wet and grim!
Tues 12/11 - PM: as Monday, but on a different route in Lund for some variety. Ran out along Dalbyvägen to Linero and then uphill along Utmarksvägen to the Hardebergaspåret, then right from that up through the uni to the Elite hotel and back via Kemicentrum and Victoriahallen. Nice to do a different route once in a while.
Weds 13/11 - AM: hill training at Skt Hans. Warmup run there the quick way past Stortorget appx 3km in 15min, then 5xlong route up the big hill and 5xsteep route up as hard as possible, followed by 1 2.5km lap of the extreme running course. Good workout in the trail shoes I won for the Himmelbjergløbet. Ankle(s) hurt on the first few efforts, but the pain seemed to subside as I went on - not sure if this was down to stretching myself a bit or just adrenaline from the hill efforts masking it. Ran back a longer route via Lunds CIP and Stadsparken.
Thurs 14/11 - PM: track intervals at Lunds CIP 5x1km at 3.18-3.20/km pace with jog 200m recovery. Ankles not too bad after hills, but still took a good 5km warmup and stretches before doing this session.
Fri 15/11 - AM: standard 8.5-9km route along the river and back up through Klostergården. River had overflown, blocking the path in the horse field near Källbybadet (as it regularly does in winter), so took a diversion round on the road. PM: good quick run to the recycling station nearby, then a loop of Stadsparken and the F&F arena before collecting gf from the train station - just about made it on time!
Sat 16/11 - Went with Katrine over to Roskilde to the second round of DAF's Vinterturnering, 6x1km relay. Just to watch though; no way I was going to do this after the same round last year in Odense, where I comprehensively wrecked my right ankle by a) running whilst already a bit injured and b) keeping going after making it worse on the 3rd km effort. Extremely glad I didn't do this round, since there were a good many rabbit holes and thick grass off the racing line; not something I want to run flat out through. The major downside was that watching was extremely cold! The men's relay was totally dominated by Sparta Copenhagen - unsurprisingly with 3 of their best runners racing. Katrine finished 16th, which was a good result.
Instead of the race, I ran an easy 16km when I got back to Lund along the Hardebergaspåret (to get some heat back into me!)
Sun 17/11 - AM: went up to Skt Hans in Lund for some hills - 5xlong in 50-52s, 5xsteep, max effort, while gf ran an easy recovery run on the grass. Standard warmup (3km) and return (5.5km) routes. PM: usual 8.6km route, except with an extra loop in Papegojelyckan adding another 3km on. I thought this would be 10km, but actually it was about a km longer than that. Ran at a good tempo pace of appx. 3.30/km. This was perhaps a little bit too much, as I felt a bit of pain in my left ankle after finishing.

Summary - another week back to training and a bit more distance, plus 2 interval sessions. Feeling significantly less tired now than previous weeks; I seem to be recovered from the autumn racing. Next week = much of the same, but with the 2nd round of the Nytårscup on Sunday. This is now (thankfully) a 2x5km lap route, but at the cost of making the route significantly more hilly. I have decided to enter the DM 10km cross in Viborg the week after (1/12), but with extremely low expectations - if I can finish without injury, I'd be delighted. But these races are extremely good for fitness building; I already feel the hill training becoming much easier, for example...

søndag den 10. november 2013

4.11.13-10.11.13: No more racing - back to normal training!

Date km time min/km
10/11/2013 21.93 01:30:00 04:06
09/11/2013 6.28 00:25:00 03:58
09/11/2013 5 00:17:30 03:29
09/11/2013 7 00:27:00 03:51
08/11/2013 10 00:43:00 04:18
07/11/2013 4.51 00:18:30 04:06
07/11/2013 4.52 00:18:30 04:05
07/11/2013 4 00:12:30 03:07
07/11/2013 2 00:06:40 03:20
06/11/2013 7.04 00:29:00 04:07
06/11/2013 6.83 00:28:00 04:05
06/11/2013 2 00:07:08 03:34
06/11/2013 1.97 00:10:00 05:04
04/11/2013 9.99 00:43:00 04:18
total= 93.07 av pace= 03:57

Mon 4/11 - PM: 10k at easy pace. Standard 8.7km route through Skt Lars\Klostergården\etc... and a few laps on the track at Lunds CIP. Very very very very tired after racing + early train start.
Tues 5/11 - still feeling tired, so rest day. Not so keen to go to Skryllegården on Tues this year in the cold!
Weds 6/11 - Considered doing some cross intervals at Skt Hans, but my legs still felt tight - no sense in pushing too early and getting injured! Decided to do two, shorter, easier recovery runs. AM: shorter run rounds Stadsparken in Lund, down past the F+F arena, under the railway and a loop back via CIP. PM: similar route appx. 7km each.
Thurs 7/11 - PM: return to intervals! 5km warmup in appx. 18.30, then  16x400m with Bjornstorps IF on the track at Lunds CIP. Started off the first couple at appx. 80s pace, then 12x70-75s pace, then back to 80s for the last few. Doing the first few slowly I think helped a lot, just to stretch the legs and get back into it. Ran back via Stadsparken back the same way as I came, same pace.
Fri 8/11 - AM: 10km easy, along the river and past the sewage works south of Lund.
Sat 9/11 - in Århus. AM: Too tired for 1900 cross intervals so standard Sat training - run out to Hasle Bakker, Brabrand parkrun, run back to Skejby. I was a bit late this week, so had to run there quickly; I was still about 1min late for the start of the parkrun, but ran 17.30 on the slightly easier winter course. Good tempo session.
Sun 10/11 - AM: visiting gf's parents out near Horsens. 22km 'landvej' lap Vinten-Lundum-Østbirk-Vestbirk-Torp; nice and hilly route on small country roads and a former railway line. Lovely winter conditions - 10C, blue sky and sun :-)

Summary - legs starting to feel less tired towards the end of the week. Getting back into normal training now after a good few weeks of hard racing. I've decided to skip the VT round in Roskilde next week, partly to get back to focusing on road running training (which I don't think 1k cross intervals will help) and partly to play it safe after what happened at the same round last year, where I really destroyed my right ankle...

mandag den 4. november 2013

29.10.13-3.11.13: Week to Nordea Nytårscup

date\day km time min/km
03/11/2013su 12.09 00:53:00 04:23
03/11/2013su 10 00:34:00 03:24
02/11/2013sa 5 00:18:20 03:39
02/11/2013sa 6.33 00:26:00 04:06
02/11/2013sa 7 00:28:00 03:59
31/10/2013th 8.7 00:38:00 04:22
31/10/2013th 1.6 00:06:00 03:44
31/10/2013th 8.7 00:38:00 04:22
30/10/2013we 8 00:35:00 04:22
30/10/2013we 7.2 00:28:00 03:53
29/10/2013tu 10.13 00:40:00 03:56
total= 84.75 av pace= 04:00
Monday in Skåne...

Mon 28/10 - SUPER MEGA STORM!!111! no run on account of tired legs and slightly adverse conditions: 35m/s winds, rain and flying tree branches. I know you should 'use the conditions', but that's just too much!
Tues 29/10 - AM: easy 10k to survey the storm damage; few trees down in Stadsparken and more branches down along the river. Weather far better, sun but still a bit of wind. Legs still very very stiff and tired; no hard interval training.
Weds 30/10 - AM/PM: easy laps of Stadsparken and the F&F Arena in Lund. Legs still stiff and tired. AM done slightly faster, PM much slower.
Thurs 31/10 - AM: easy standard 8.7k route Malmovagen-along river-up to F&F arena-loop to Central IP-back through Stadsparken. PM: same, but with 4x400m on the track at CIP. Legs still tired;  not near doing hard intervals again yet.
Fri 1/11 - rest day.
Sat 2/11 - Back in Århus. I'd considered going to the cross training in Mindeparken with 1900/AGF, but decided it was better to continue to avoid hard intervals and recover (plus NYC on Sun). Did the standard Sat morning of run out to Hasle bakker 6.4k, then Brabrand parkrun 5k in a very slow 18-something (this was part tiredness, part taking it easy and part mud), followed by a run back to Skejby on a longer 7k route. Hadn't done the parkrun for a while, so it was good to get a run out round there again. Final week of the summer course and rightly so, since the paths were quite slippery. Legs feeling a bit more alive after the session.
Sun 3/11 - Nordea Nytårscup: 10k, 34:02 (tempo training)
Signed up for this some time ago, vastly overestimating how quickly I'd recover from the Himmelbjerg and cross races. Therefore decided to take it as a hard tempo run session towards marathon training, pushing a bit harder in the first 5k and then trying to keep around 3.20-3.30/km pace, combining the race with an easier 13-15k Sunday run out along the coast to Moesgård afterwards.  This was the first NYC round I've done from Marselishallen (being injured for it last year) and it's a great improvement from the old start at the clubhouse, in terms of having somewhere inside to wait and more toilets!

My club (Aarhus 1900) have become more strict on club clothing, so far more people were running in club colours than previously. This is something I have mixed feelings about; it's good to see, good for the club's image and getting sponsorship cash but can also be quite excluding for those more casual runners who maybe don't wish to go to such expense (or get frustrated by very anal running rules&regs!). My opinion has always been that all you need to run is a cheap plain cotton t-shirt, a pair of shorts, any old trainers and a bit of motivation - not fancy gear!

The course was effectively a makeshift one due to AGF playing their home match on the same day, being 4x2.5k laps mainly through the woods around Tivoli Friheden (I  suspect that we might have shortened each 2.5k lap by 10-20m  (so 4x5-10s) by cutting a corner unintentionally...). This was far from ideal: 75% twisty, slippery, leaf strewn route and naturally after 2 laps us faster runners ran right into the back of the slower ones, thus making it a slalom. The winner Tom Wade, another (far faster) Englishman, slipped over and I came within millimeters of crashing full speed into the back of a girl wearing headphones who obliviously cut across me. A longer lap is definitely necessary for a mixed-ability event with a broad distribution of times, else chaos ensues and it can also causes a great deal of friction between faster & slower runners (I hate the Danish and Swedish distinction between 'Motion' and  'Tävling/Konkurrence' - a race is a race and a runner and runner to me!)

Despite this, the race was very enjoyable and a good workout. The Nytårscup is an excellent idea which for me really helps motivate myself this time of year, when it's getting a bit cold and horrible. It and other tilskudsløb really do make 1900 membership worthwhile.

Summary - Now it's time for a racing break and back to some more ordinary training!