13/5 - 19/5: Hill test and more distance...
date\day km time min\km
19/05/2013 s 24.96 1:47:00 4:17
18/05/2013 s 10.08 0:36:20 3:36
17/05/2013 f 7.88 0:37:00 4:41
16/05/2013 t 5.42 0:22:00 4:03
16/05/2013 t 7.2 0:27:05 3:45
16/05/2013 t 4.37 0:20:00 4:34
16/05/2013 t 1.21 0:05:00 4:07
15/05/2013 w 10 0:38:00 3:48
15/05/2013 w 5.14 0:21:00 4:05
15/05/2013 w 3.06 0:14:00 4:34
15/05/2013 w 1.36 0:03:00 2:12
15/05/2013 w 5.49 0:21:00 3:49
14/05/2013 t 6.21 0:30:00 4:49
13/05/2013 m 6.9 0:31:00 4:29
13/05/2013 m 8 0:34:00 4:14
Total: 107.28km, av pace: 4.03/km
(Picture - Brabrand parkrun, Århus)
Mon - standard easy runs, AM: Hardebergaspåret 5 miles to the Utmarksvägen bridge at the edge of Lund. PM: run down through Klostergården along the river and back past the F&F Arena. Lots of bugs now down by the river, makes running down that way a bit unpleasant in the evenings!
Tue - PM: felt v.v. tired. Took an easy jog up to Lund CIP and back through Stadsparken.
Wed - AM: standard 10km route down past Källby sewage works alongside the river. Done at quite a quick pace around 3.40/km for the last 8/9km. PM: tested the route for St Hans Backar Extreme next Thurs. Approximately 2.5km lap with lots of fairly steep, short hills - very little recovery space, making it a very difficult route. Ran the first lap slowly (appx. 11min) to find the way (which had already been well marked by a good number of other people running on the same grass!) and the second a bit faster (~10min). Ankle seemed to cope ok with 2 laps - 4x2.5km next week should hopefully be ok. Spikes probably a must if wet weather, even on a dry evening the worn grass made the route slightly slippy.
Thurs - AM: easy run round Stadsparken at 4min/km. PM: track session with Björnstorps IF at Lunds CIP. Struggled a lot; my ankles still seem to cope badly with track running either due to the hard surface or the cornering. Managed 3x1km @ 3.20-3.25/km (P 90s)and some 600s, 800s and 400s in around 1.15-1.20/lap, but found it hard to run the shorter intervals without pain. Will take another 2 week break from the track and see if there is any improvement.
Fri - AM: easy run, up through town to St Hans Backar and back through town. Stuck to the paths around the hills, legs still quite stiff after track the night before.
Sat - AM: parkrun in Århus. Legs still feeing quite tired plus a bit of stomach trouble. Managed the first 3km in 3.10/km pace, then the tiredness caught me and I crashed on the 4th hilly km to around 3.50-4.00/km to finish the 5km in 17.20. Took a second 5km lap in around 18.30 to build some extra hill running distance.
Sun - AM: Decided on a single long run. Took my standard route round Egå Engsø and up through Lystrup, Hjortshøj and back along the coast. Ran the 13 miles to Bellvue hallen in 1h21 - approximately the same pace as back in Sept before the injuries. Included a trip along the beach and up through Ris skov (inc. the djævelbakker) to reach 25km in around 1h45. Very pleased with the lack of ankle pain although I found the run much harder than before injury, particularly the final long, straight section along the coast from Skæring - substantial work will be required on longer distances before returning to racing anything above 10km.
Summary: first week at >100km/wk since pre-injury last year. Pleased with the ability to run further with less pain, but it's also clear that much future work is required at longer distances - I had hoped to run the Århus City Halvmaraton at the start of Jun (and may still do as a tempo-tur, depending on how tired I think I'll make me for the MalmöMilen) but I suspect I'd be unable to run much faster than 1h17-1h20 at present. The ankles remain a problem and a concern, especially on track...
Aims next week - run a few more km on Mon\Tues and then easy on Weds, ahead of the St Hans Extreme race on Thurs evening. Either Mon\Tues take another test of the route - otherwise training at Skrylle. No track.
MotW: bit of classic Nirvana.
date\day km time min\km
19/05/2013 s 24.96 1:47:00 4:17
18/05/2013 s 10.08 0:36:20 3:36
17/05/2013 f 7.88 0:37:00 4:41
16/05/2013 t 5.42 0:22:00 4:03
16/05/2013 t 7.2 0:27:05 3:45
16/05/2013 t 4.37 0:20:00 4:34
16/05/2013 t 1.21 0:05:00 4:07
15/05/2013 w 10 0:38:00 3:48
15/05/2013 w 5.14 0:21:00 4:05
15/05/2013 w 3.06 0:14:00 4:34
15/05/2013 w 1.36 0:03:00 2:12
15/05/2013 w 5.49 0:21:00 3:49
14/05/2013 t 6.21 0:30:00 4:49
13/05/2013 m 6.9 0:31:00 4:29
13/05/2013 m 8 0:34:00 4:14
Total: 107.28km, av pace: 4.03/km

Mon - standard easy runs, AM: Hardebergaspåret 5 miles to the Utmarksvägen bridge at the edge of Lund. PM: run down through Klostergården along the river and back past the F&F Arena. Lots of bugs now down by the river, makes running down that way a bit unpleasant in the evenings!
Tue - PM: felt v.v. tired. Took an easy jog up to Lund CIP and back through Stadsparken.
Wed - AM: standard 10km route down past Källby sewage works alongside the river. Done at quite a quick pace around 3.40/km for the last 8/9km. PM: tested the route for St Hans Backar Extreme next Thurs. Approximately 2.5km lap with lots of fairly steep, short hills - very little recovery space, making it a very difficult route. Ran the first lap slowly (appx. 11min) to find the way (which had already been well marked by a good number of other people running on the same grass!) and the second a bit faster (~10min). Ankle seemed to cope ok with 2 laps - 4x2.5km next week should hopefully be ok. Spikes probably a must if wet weather, even on a dry evening the worn grass made the route slightly slippy.
Thurs - AM: easy run round Stadsparken at 4min/km. PM: track session with Björnstorps IF at Lunds CIP. Struggled a lot; my ankles still seem to cope badly with track running either due to the hard surface or the cornering. Managed 3x1km @ 3.20-3.25/km (P 90s)and some 600s, 800s and 400s in around 1.15-1.20/lap, but found it hard to run the shorter intervals without pain. Will take another 2 week break from the track and see if there is any improvement.
Fri - AM: easy run, up through town to St Hans Backar and back through town. Stuck to the paths around the hills, legs still quite stiff after track the night before.
Sat - AM: parkrun in Århus. Legs still feeing quite tired plus a bit of stomach trouble. Managed the first 3km in 3.10/km pace, then the tiredness caught me and I crashed on the 4th hilly km to around 3.50-4.00/km to finish the 5km in 17.20. Took a second 5km lap in around 18.30 to build some extra hill running distance.
Sun - AM: Decided on a single long run. Took my standard route round Egå Engsø and up through Lystrup, Hjortshøj and back along the coast. Ran the 13 miles to Bellvue hallen in 1h21 - approximately the same pace as back in Sept before the injuries. Included a trip along the beach and up through Ris skov (inc. the djævelbakker) to reach 25km in around 1h45. Very pleased with the lack of ankle pain although I found the run much harder than before injury, particularly the final long, straight section along the coast from Skæring - substantial work will be required on longer distances before returning to racing anything above 10km.
Summary: first week at >100km/wk since pre-injury last year. Pleased with the ability to run further with less pain, but it's also clear that much future work is required at longer distances - I had hoped to run the Århus City Halvmaraton at the start of Jun (and may still do as a tempo-tur, depending on how tired I think I'll make me for the MalmöMilen) but I suspect I'd be unable to run much faster than 1h17-1h20 at present. The ankles remain a problem and a concern, especially on track...
Aims next week - run a few more km on Mon\Tues and then easy on Weds, ahead of the St Hans Extreme race on Thurs evening. Either Mon\Tues take another test of the route - otherwise training at Skrylle. No track.
MotW: bit of classic Nirvana.
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