(busy with work at the mo, so updates may be infrequent here - see Strava for more up to date detail)
Back to Britain
In the new year, my Scandinavian adventure in Denmark and Sweden will come to an end when my gf and I move to Bath back in England for her job.
It's been fun and I'm absolutely sure I'll return one day.
I should keep updating here, it's very useful for my training to log what the hell I've done!
My last race with Århus 1900 should be the Nytårscup New Years Eve round, and if I'm fit I might give that a serious go!
27.10.14-2.11.14: Himmelbjerg Recovery and Highest Point in DK.

Main sessions: 6x1k intervals round Egå Engsø in Århus at 3.15-3.20/km pace. 28k long run Sun to Yding Skovhøj.
Summary: during the week mostly easy runs in Lund, up to Norra Faladen for variety for a lap round up there. Sat went down to the Engsø in Århus and did the classic 1k marked intervals round there (there are now 2 sets, a bike version and a running version, which is a little confusing). Sun: visiting gf's parents, so had a run up to the highest point in Denmark Yding Skovhøj (at a mighty 170-odd metres!) which is just about in range running via Østbirk and the former railway to Horsens. It was a lovely day, with quite a good view from the top!
Races: none.
3.11.11-9.11.11: Nytårscup Round 1

Main sessions: Thurs: Standard St Hans hills, 6xlong, 6xsteep, some SHE course. Mon-Weds: assorted Hardebergasparet (inc 4km tempo @ 3.20-3.30/km) and some Strava segments along by the river - the climb to the sewage works, Flakarpsbakken, the horse field and Mean Machine. Sat: Brabrand parkrun, Sun: Nytårscup Round 1 (10k as tempo training)
Summary: start of the week easy runs, with a couple of fast Strava segments thrown in. Thurs went up to St Hans for the first time in a while - it was very muddy and they're still doing a lot of digging work up there. Sat and Sun was the stardard parkrun\Nytårscup double as per previous years.
Races: 1900 Nytårscup, 10k, 34.30 (target pace 35.00!)
As usual, aimed to do this as tempo training (which I think worked pretty well last year) so I could also run hard on Sat rather than resting as I would for a more serious race. Target was 3.30/km decent half mara pace, on a fairly hilly road course. As usual, got dragged along with the 5k people who start at the same time and ran the first 5 in 16.50 - just a little bit too quick! Slowed it down in the second half, but got dragged along a bit again by Anders LN to finish in 34.30. Overall an excellent good workout. Finished off afterwards with an easier 12k run down to Moesgård strand and in Skåde skov back to the 6A bus home.

Main sessions: 5x1k on the track at Lunds CIP at 3.20/km pace. Weekend: Strava segments of North Århus and Risskov.
Summary: Mon-Weds felt extremely tired, so only managed easy runs. Weather was very horrible this week, grey wet and windy. Went up to Hardeberga from Dalbyv. which I've never got round to before. Thurs I was feeling a bit better (and it was a dry evening for once) so took a trip to the track at Lunds CIP for some 1k intervals. Track conditions were still not idea, quite slippery with leaves in places. Fri went for a longer run up to see how things are going with the ESS and Max IV - former is just a large pile of portacabins, latter looks nearly finished from the outside (inside they still have to build all the beamlines!). Sat and Sun I was in Århus - I decided to do a bit of Strava segment hunting before we move, so knocked off a few round the north of the town and then in Riis skov on my Sun long run as prep for the VT at Vestereng next week.
Races: none.
Back to Britain
In the new year, my Scandinavian adventure in Denmark and Sweden will come to an end when my gf and I move to Bath back in England for her job.
It's been fun and I'm absolutely sure I'll return one day.
I should keep updating here, it's very useful for my training to log what the hell I've done!
My last race with Århus 1900 should be the Nytårscup New Years Eve round, and if I'm fit I might give that a serious go!
27.10.14-2.11.14: Himmelbjerg Recovery and Highest Point in DK.
Main sessions: 6x1k intervals round Egå Engsø in Århus at 3.15-3.20/km pace. 28k long run Sun to Yding Skovhøj.
Summary: during the week mostly easy runs in Lund, up to Norra Faladen for variety for a lap round up there. Sat went down to the Engsø in Århus and did the classic 1k marked intervals round there (there are now 2 sets, a bike version and a running version, which is a little confusing). Sun: visiting gf's parents, so had a run up to the highest point in Denmark Yding Skovhøj (at a mighty 170-odd metres!) which is just about in range running via Østbirk and the former railway to Horsens. It was a lovely day, with quite a good view from the top!
Races: none.
3.11.11-9.11.11: Nytårscup Round 1
Main sessions: Thurs: Standard St Hans hills, 6xlong, 6xsteep, some SHE course. Mon-Weds: assorted Hardebergasparet (inc 4km tempo @ 3.20-3.30/km) and some Strava segments along by the river - the climb to the sewage works, Flakarpsbakken, the horse field and Mean Machine. Sat: Brabrand parkrun, Sun: Nytårscup Round 1 (10k as tempo training)
Summary: start of the week easy runs, with a couple of fast Strava segments thrown in. Thurs went up to St Hans for the first time in a while - it was very muddy and they're still doing a lot of digging work up there. Sat and Sun was the stardard parkrun\Nytårscup double as per previous years.
Races: 1900 Nytårscup, 10k, 34.30 (target pace 35.00!)
As usual, aimed to do this as tempo training (which I think worked pretty well last year) so I could also run hard on Sat rather than resting as I would for a more serious race. Target was 3.30/km decent half mara pace, on a fairly hilly road course. As usual, got dragged along with the 5k people who start at the same time and ran the first 5 in 16.50 - just a little bit too quick! Slowed it down in the second half, but got dragged along a bit again by Anders LN to finish in 34.30. Overall an excellent good workout. Finished off afterwards with an easier 12k run down to Moesgård strand and in Skåde skov back to the 6A bus home.
At 4.5k...Source: Steffen N Christiansen http://www.snc-foto.dk |
Main sessions: 5x1k on the track at Lunds CIP at 3.20/km pace. Weekend: Strava segments of North Århus and Risskov.
Summary: Mon-Weds felt extremely tired, so only managed easy runs. Weather was very horrible this week, grey wet and windy. Went up to Hardeberga from Dalbyv. which I've never got round to before. Thurs I was feeling a bit better (and it was a dry evening for once) so took a trip to the track at Lunds CIP for some 1k intervals. Track conditions were still not idea, quite slippery with leaves in places. Fri went for a longer run up to see how things are going with the ESS and Max IV - former is just a large pile of portacabins, latter looks nearly finished from the outside (inside they still have to build all the beamlines!). Sat and Sun I was in Århus - I decided to do a bit of Strava segment hunting before we move, so knocked off a few round the north of the town and then in Riis skov on my Sun long run as prep for the VT at Vestereng next week.
Races: none.
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