mandag den 26. august 2013

19-25.8.13: Difficult week...

Date\Day km Time min/km
25/08/2013s 20.04 01:15:00 03:44
25/08/2013s 11.02 00:47:00 04:15
25/08/2013s 3 00:00:00 00:00
24/08/2013s 6.68 00:27:00 04:02
24/08/2013s 6.69 00:25:00 03:44
24/08/2013s 5 00:18:30 03:41
22/08/2013t 10 00:43:00 04:18
21/08/2013w 13.64 00:49:30 03:37
21/08/2013w 13.64 00:50:11 03:40
19/08/2013m 8.67 00:38:00 04:22
19/08/2013m 8.67 00:37:00 04:16
Total= 107.05 av pace= 03:57

Mon - AM: 8.5km, round Klostergården and up by the Arena. PM: same run. Felt tired after the long run the day before, but not too bad - evening run at a faster pace than morning.
Tue - Urgh, utterly crashed. Felt very tired. Rest day
Wed - AM: feeling less tired, ~5km warmup run to Lunds CIP, then 4x1km - but could only manage a rubbish pace of 3.30/km! Still felt tired, even after a full day of rest the day before. Approx. 5km run back. PM: repeated the same session, with 3x1km at a better 3.25/km pace, then 400m intervals at 1:15/lap.
Thurs - easy recovery 10km along the river past the sewage works in Lund. Still tired.
Fri - Started a 20km run along the Hardebergaspåret, but abandoned after 1km - legs still felt very tired, plus very stiff ankles. I've learnt that running when tired and ankles not 100% leads to disaster! Decided on a second rest day of the week.
Sat - Despite the rest day before, still tired. 6.5km to Hasle Bakker, then a very easy, heavy legged Brabrand parkrun - 18.30 for 5km. Felt a bit better on the run back,  a slightly longer approx. 7km run back in 3.40/km.
Sun - Decided to split the long run in two. AM: 20km @ 3.44/km. Took a different route than usual, uphill through Lystrup, across to Elev and back through Lisbjerg skov, across the motorway and back through Mollerup skov. Still felt tired, but far better than previous days; doing a different route helped to stop me getting too 'tired in the head' doing the same thing each week. PM: run round Egå Engsø, back to Bellvuehallen, alogn the beach and up through Riis skov. Decided that was enough at the top of the woods and did a very easy warmdown jog back home.  
Total: 107km, av pace: 3.57/km

Summary - very hard week this week. Felt extremely tired for most of it and really couldn't do any fast running at all or complete the usual weekly distance. I suspect I overdid it on the long run the previous Sun, then didn't recover sufficiently on the Mon which totally exhausted me, and it then took me most of the rest of the week to recover. I'd also been working quite late, which didn't help with tiredness - and forced me to train later in the evening (and sleep less).  I also think I havn't quite recovered fully from the 1/2 in Malmo; the fast turnaround to get back to high weekly mileage in order to train for the Århus half was probably not ideal (should really do 1.5 weeks of easy running post-half and a routine of 3 hard weeks and 1 easy).
Next week - Final 'hard' week before tapering for Århus 1/2. Take it slowly and build up distance\intensity again. Split sessions into AM/PM where possible. Will do the 12km Marselisløbet on Sun 1\8 as a tempo session at 3.20-3.40/km, depending on how I feel (well short of full race pace anyway, especially up the hills).

mandag den 19. august 2013

12.8.13-18.8.13: Full week in Sweden

date\day km time min/km
18/08/2013s 37.25 02:35:00 04:10
17/08/2013s 16.59 01:01:00 03:40
17/08/2013s 5 00:16:50 03:21
17/08/2013s 4.46 00:19:20 04:19
15/08/2013t 14 00:54:00 03:51
14/08/2013w 20 01:24:00 04:12
13/08/2013t 8.65 00:38:00 04:23
13/08/2013t 13 00:48:57 03:45
12/08/2013m 14.05 00:59:00 04:12
total: 131.75 av pace: 03:59

Mon - PM: easy paced run out along the Hardebergaspåret. Legs tired, but not too bad after racing on Sat. Stayed in Sweden over the weekend, so no early morning start=less tired than usual on Mon eve!
Tue - AM: easy pace 8.5km, down through Klostergården, back up towards the arena, under the railway and a loop back via CIP. PM: training at Skrylle. 5km warm up at 4.00/km, then 4x1km at 3.10-3.11/km, followed by 4km easy at 4.00/km. Tired legs from the half still, so fewer intervals today.
Weds - PM: decided to build in some Weds longer running now in order to boost endurance. Ran the length of the Hardebergaspåret to Södra Sandby and back (20km at 4:12/km). Made the 10km split in SS at 41.30 - about 3 min slower than I could manage last year; I've not quite got the same levels of endurance, even factoring in tiredness.
Thurs -  PM; felt very tired. 4.5km warmup run to Lunds CIP, then 10 laps at around 3.30/km pace, followed by a warmdown back along the same route round by the arena. Good tempo training, but really wiped me out.
Fri - complete rest.
Sat - AM: feeling far more energetic. Trip over to Copenhagen to do Fælledparken parkrun. Decided it would be a good idea to do a warmup tour running from Kastrup train station through central Kbh to Parken; unfortunately whilst still on Amager it started pouring with rain and I got soaked on the way there! Passed some of the Copenhagen Ironman preparations and the 'decimated-Ironman' (1/10th of the distance) in Amager strandpark - not sure I'd fancy doing the full thing (or the cost of it ~3000Kr to enter!). Ran the 5km parkrun route (3 approx mile laps of the park) in 16.53 - aimed for 3.20/km, but the wet conditions made running hard on the loose gravel paths. Warmdown lap of the park, then easy run back to Østerport station for the train back to Sweden.
Sun - AM: 37.25km long run in 2h35 (4.10/km average), inspired by watching the marathon in the worlds sat afternoon.  Nice and simple - run to Skrylle, 10km green route lap, run back. But then there's the hills: 107m of climb to and from Skryllegården and 214m on the green route lap (including the bastard hard final 3km). Felt good running out, except that I'd foolishly gone for a jacket since it was raining in the morning - only for the sun to come out most of the way. Hit 10km at dead on 40min in Sodra S, before the big Almbacksvägen hill. Similarly, I completed the 10km green lap (jacket ditched under a bench)  in almost exactly 40min - 6 slower than race pace, so the hills were hard but manageable. The point it really started to hurt was with 7km remaining overall, from the road crossing on Hardebergaspåret; stomach hurt so I had to stop for 30s after the hill up from the outer bridge at Utmarksvägen with about 3km left. Fortunately, the long route ending is much kinder than in Aarhus, almost entirely downhill from there allowing me to get up some momentum and finish. Overall a great workout, but I really do wonder if I can manage <4.00/km for 42km...

Total: 131.75km, av pace: 3.59/km
Summary - a new highest weekly distance! My aim is to try and push that up to 130-140km approaching the 1/2 in Aarhus. Fewer interval and hard sessions this week, primarily due to still being tired from Malmo (I could still feel it even running the parkrun on Sat), but working in some longer runs to build endurance.
Next week - similar or more distance, but a few more tempo and interval sessions if possible. 

onsdag den 14. august 2013

29.7.13-4.8.13 More 1/2 Buildup...

Date\day km time min/km
04/08/2013s 34.06 02:26:00 04:17
03/08/2013s 18 01:07:18 03:44
02/08/2013f 10.96 00:48:00 04:22
01/08/2013t 5.21 00:22:00 04:13
01/08/2013t 7.93 00:31:00 03:54
01/08/2013t 7 00:23:20 03:19
01/08/2013t 1.2 00:04:48 04:00
31/07/2013w 4 00:13:38 03:24
31/07/2013w 6.79 00:27:00 03:58
31/07/2013w 18.92 01:16:00 04:01
29/07/2013m 10.2 00:42:00 04:07
total: 124.27 av pace: 03:56

Mon - standard easy Mon evening run round through Klostergården and along the river.
Tues - rest day. Worked quite late and felt extremely tired.
Weds - AM: intervals along the Hardebergaspåret. Warmup run out to where the first km marker is on the path (near Östratornskolan), then 4x1km at 3.20-3.24/km pace. Run back home from the 1st km marker again. PM: for variety, a run out to Hjärup. Down through Klostergården, then out along the bike path, turning at the station in Hjärup and looping back, then continuing back to Lund up past the arena and to CIP. Was getting dark towards the end of the run (summer is coming to an end...) and the bike path lights out of Lund that way don't work so well, so had to get a move on a bit. Added some extra distance to bring up 500km for July!
Thurs  - PM: decided to do some 1km intervals on the track at CIP. Warmup 5km through Stadsparken and under the railway. Then 7x1km at 3.20/km pace, p 90s. Took a warmdown\extra 8km  run back via Varpinge and along the river. Very good workout; good to be able to do that on the track without too much ankle complaint!
Fri - 11km, to the golf club along the Hardebergaspåret and back. Tired legs.
Sat - run to Hasle bakker, 6.5km in 25min. Brabrand parkrun 5km in 17.18. Had some competition this week from a visitor from Helsingør, who started quickly but faded on the hills letting me overtake with around 1km left, so I got a bit more of a push than usual. Run back home the same way (via Føtex Skejby) in 26min.
Sun - standard 35km run down to Moesgård strand along the coast and back. Managed 4.00/km or quicker except the section from Bellvuehallen up the hill back home, where the effort of the previous day really hit hard!
Total: 124.27km, av pace: 3.56/km
Summary - good final hard week before tapering for the half in Malmo. Very pleased with the road intervals on Tues and 1km track intervals on Thurs, the latter being something I've definitely not been up to doing until now. The time trial on Sat formed a good tempo session this week, but tired me out a lot for the long Sunday effort.
Next week - taper for 1/2. Lots of easy runs and a few intervals to keep the legs turning over.

5.8.13-11.8.13 Taper to Malmö Half

Date\day km time min/km
11/08/2013s 12.26 00:50:00 04:04
10/08/2013s 21.1 01:15:40 03:35
09/08/2013f 2.46 00:10:00 04:03
08/08/2013t 4.82 00:20:00 04:09
08/08/2013t 5 00:20:00 04:00
07/08/2013w 5.83 00:20:00 03:26
07/08/2013w 5 00:17:37 03:31
06/08/2013t 10 00:40:00 04:00
05/08/2013m 10 00:40:00 04:00
tot: 76.47 av pace: 03:52

Mon - Stayed in Aarhus the start of this week to write papers. PM - took a steady 10km round Egå Engsø and back via Lystrupvej and Grenåvej. Paced almost exactly on 4/km. Recovery run from the long distance the day before.
Tues - same distance and pace as Mon, except down through Riis skov and back along the coast. Legs felt very stiff. 
Weds - a few intervals to keep the legs loose. Warmup 3km down to the 2km marker of the Hjertesti around Egå Engsø, then 4x1km at 3.25-3.30/km pace, p60s (mostly into the wind or on the trail paths). 3km back up to Skejby, inc 5x60s sprints. Legs definitely felt better afterwards.
Thurs -  AM: easy run round Mollerup skov,  5km.  PM: back to Lund. Easy run in the evening around Stadsparken and the F&F arena, again around 5km and 4.00/km in order to un-stiffen the legs after the train journey back.  A few sprints of 10-20s in the park.
Fri - AM: very easy jog around Stadsparken, 2.5km. Rest the remainder of the day.
Sat - Am: rest. PM: Malmö 1/2
Sun - late-AM: 12-13km recovery run up to Skt Hans backar and back. Nice and easy pace.
Weekly total: 76km, av pace 3.52/km

Summary - nice easy week before the race in Malmo. Included some intervals and short sprints so as not to let the legs get too stiff and sluggish (as before the last half I did back in Berlin, 18 months ago), which was a bit of a problem ahead of the MalmöMilen. That seemed to have helped; definitely didn't feel too tired in the opening stages of the race and everything felt quite good. 
Next week - buildup to Århus half begins! distance, distance, distance...

lørdag den 10. august 2013

Malmö Halvmarathon 2013: 1:15:43, 9th place
Picture: Stig Nilsson,

Finally, after 11 months of injury, the proper comeback to marathon running in the half in Malmö! Not ideal conditions for it - despite the weather forecast predicting overcast skies, rain* and <20C it was 25C, sunny and humid. It was also quite windy - the worst possible conditions for summer hayfever. Took two Loratadine tablets before the race, which helped a bit, but my nose was still running faster than my legs at the start...( * it did come - just 4 hours later)

Aim for the race was largely to complete the distance in the best possible time for the conditions (in practice, around 75min). A good number of the top local (and Kenyan) runners meant prizes were out today. Race started in warm but overcast conditions at 3pm - the common Swedish start time I really hate (and the latest in the day I've ever run a half). Started at around 3.20\km pace, running with two Sparta runners from Copenhagen for the first 5km in 16.44. Soon realised this was unsustainable and dropped in pace for the second 5km, something which was also imposed by running into a strong headwind. Ran with one of the Sparta guys for some alternating windbreaking into the endless carparks around Emporia and made it to 10km at 34.40 - not too bad a time.

Unfortunately, the second 10km was a major struggle; I ran a poor 18.04 and 18.23 for 10-15km and 15-20km. Around 13km my stomach took a major turn for the worse. This seemed to start coming on after taking water\sport drink at 10km (I'd also attribute it in part to the late start), something of concern given the necessity to take on fluid\gel over the full marathon distance. Between 13-16km and 19km-finish I was 'holding it in', something which didn't help the pace. This section of the race was also not helped by the sun coming out in force, making it very hot, and the route through suburban Malmo 'in bloom' - my eyes were stinging by 20km, especially after running past the grass of Ribersborgsstrand park. I was greatly encouraged the last 2km with some shouted 'Scandinavlish' encouragement (primarily Danish rendered in Swedish since I was running for Aarhus 1900: gort lobettt!)

In retrospect, I probably got a bit excited at the start and ran too fast. Had I stuck to 3.30\km, I'd have prob managed a far better time (around 73min), but to hell with it since it wouldn't have gained me any places! I've lost the ability to pace myself well during injury and it's something I need to work on with regards to taking on the full 42.2. I'll still target sub-73 in Aarhus in a month, but I have to (re-)learn to pace it better.

Great to race over that distance again, good day out and something to build on over the autumn.  I'd like to thank the race organisers for their clever positioning of 3 portaloos right by the end: lifesaver.

torsdag den 1. august 2013

Reached 500km for July (501.77 to be precise) - 16km or 10miles per day.  Significant milestone after starting at around 5km per week and 25-30km a month back in Jan!

Tips for ankle injury recovery I've learnt:
A) Take it slowly - don't push too hard, too fast. If it hurts, stop.
B) Train alone. Go at your pace, not that of others. Only go to club training when you're ready.
C) Have a regular training plan and log how much you're doing and when.
D) 20-25min of strengthening and stretching exercises, after every run. For me this has been:
1) 1x10min standing on one leg (alternating every min), with 10 heel raises on each leg during each min. Eyes closed if possible.
2) 3x30 heel raises, both legs. Start with foot flat, then push up onto your toes. Between each set, extensive stretching of the calf and leg muscles for around 2-3min.
3) 50 squats, plus stretching of thigh muscles
4) 50 situps (optional)

22.7-28.7.13 - Lund, Århus, Djursland...

date\day km time min/km
28/07/2013 24.67 01:38:00 03:58
27/07/2013 18.5 01:12:50 03:56
26/07/2013 12.62 00:51:00 04:02
25/07/2013 10 00:42:00 04:12
25/07/2013 4.51 00:19:00 04:12
25/07/2013 4 00:13:20 03:20
25/07/2013 1.9 00:07:00 03:41
25/07/2013 1.2 00:04:50 04:01
24/07/2013 20.01 01:21:00 04:02
23/07/2013 16 00:58:50 03:40
22/07/2013 4.45 00:16:00 03:35
22/07/2013 6.88 00:27:00 03:55
total\av  pace: 124.74

mon 22/7 - PM: easy run to Lunds CIP via Kallby (6.88km), some strides and stretches on the track, 4.45km back past the F&F arena.
tue 23/7 - PM: Skrylle: 5km warmup at 4.00/km then hard hilly 1km intervals 4x3.03-3.10/km, 2x1km tempo at 3.20/km and 5km warmdown. 16km total. Good session.
wed 24/7 - PM: run along the Hardebergaspåret to Sodra Sandby and back; 10km out-and-back. Starting off at 4.30/km pace, increasing tempo on the way back to 3.30-3.40/km through the km marked sections and 3.20/km downhill back into Lund.
thu 25/7 - AM: 10km, standard route south of Lund by the sewage farm. PM: warmup route to Lunds CIP, 10x400m at 3.20/km pace, 1min recovery. Few laps of warmdown at 4.00/km and then return run back home.
fri 26/7 - AM: long easy run up to Skt Hans and back. Included some of the extreme running route round the hills on the way back down.
sat 27/7 - run to Brabrand parkrun, 6.5km in around 26min. 5km parkrun - started a couple of min late, so had to play catchup! Rum back to gf house, stomach not so happy after being quite tired!
sun 28/7 - run in Grenå from gf parents summerhus. Took a tour into town, then inland and north to Fornæs lighthouse, returning along the coast (hilly) and with some running round Grenå Plantage. Very hot, sweaty and humid day, but started raining mid run -  very refreshing!

Summary - another week of good mileage and 2 tempo sessions. Ankle seems to be happier on the track now, although perhaps not for longer intervals. Session tues was a very good workout. Tired myself out a bit on Sat and didn't feel so good running back from the parkrun - a bit of rest the remainder of Sat helped that.
Next week - same distance again, try for 2 interval sessions again. Perhaps a race in kbh. Last hard week before pre-Malmo half taper.