lørdag den 10. august 2013

Malmö Halvmarathon 2013: 1:15:43, 9th place
Picture: Stig Nilsson, http://www.malmohalvmarathon.se

Finally, after 11 months of injury, the proper comeback to marathon running in the half in Malmö! Not ideal conditions for it - despite the weather forecast predicting overcast skies, rain* and <20C it was 25C, sunny and humid. It was also quite windy - the worst possible conditions for summer hayfever. Took two Loratadine tablets before the race, which helped a bit, but my nose was still running faster than my legs at the start...( * it did come - just 4 hours later)

Aim for the race was largely to complete the distance in the best possible time for the conditions (in practice, around 75min). A good number of the top local (and Kenyan) runners meant prizes were out today. Race started in warm but overcast conditions at 3pm - the common Swedish start time I really hate (and the latest in the day I've ever run a half). Started at around 3.20\km pace, running with two Sparta runners from Copenhagen for the first 5km in 16.44. Soon realised this was unsustainable and dropped in pace for the second 5km, something which was also imposed by running into a strong headwind. Ran with one of the Sparta guys for some alternating windbreaking into the endless carparks around Emporia and made it to 10km at 34.40 - not too bad a time.

Unfortunately, the second 10km was a major struggle; I ran a poor 18.04 and 18.23 for 10-15km and 15-20km. Around 13km my stomach took a major turn for the worse. This seemed to start coming on after taking water\sport drink at 10km (I'd also attribute it in part to the late start), something of concern given the necessity to take on fluid\gel over the full marathon distance. Between 13-16km and 19km-finish I was 'holding it in', something which didn't help the pace. This section of the race was also not helped by the sun coming out in force, making it very hot, and the route through suburban Malmo 'in bloom' - my eyes were stinging by 20km, especially after running past the grass of Ribersborgsstrand park. I was greatly encouraged the last 2km with some shouted 'Scandinavlish' encouragement (primarily Danish rendered in Swedish since I was running for Aarhus 1900: gort lobettt!)

In retrospect, I probably got a bit excited at the start and ran too fast. Had I stuck to 3.30\km, I'd have prob managed a far better time (around 73min), but to hell with it since it wouldn't have gained me any places! I've lost the ability to pace myself well during injury and it's something I need to work on with regards to taking on the full 42.2. I'll still target sub-73 in Aarhus in a month, but I have to (re-)learn to pace it better.

Great to race over that distance again, good day out and something to build on over the autumn.  I'd like to thank the race organisers for their clever positioning of 3 portaloos right by the end: lifesaver.

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